How we triage and communicate: video recording and notes from breakout session

How we triage and communicate: video recording and notes from breakout session

Strategies to optimise remote kidney care

Video recording: 

 watch the video recording of the breakout room session here.


Notes from the breakout session:

Nick - "Portsmouth f2f video didn’t go down well with us - What was hard? Some people liked it/ disliked it and going forward have you got a plan? Where do you see this going?"

Sajeda Renal Network Service - "How we work it, it is consistent. It is easier for renal in a way. We went to video partly due to Trust and national guidance. It was relatively straight forward when we first did it. Whether it would be so successful had it been normal time (non COVID). In our experience – transplant follow up really good, patients loved it, had a much higher uptake with video. Stable CKD patients had a high update and the speciality clinics high update. More difficult patients were harder to reach and needed f2f.  Most of the consultants like the system but there are admin issues. Couple consultants prefer f2f but we know it won’t fully go back to f2f. Overall it is here to stay."

Edward - "We have offered both telephone and video. Most people chose telephone with us, especially the younger people"

Sajeda – "We went to video by default and then decided to give option for telephone or video. Agree mostly younger people prefer telephone appointments. For some people they prefer social aspect of seeing someone and for new patients they want f2f; however some new patients which we have only managed to see so far over remote calls have gone down very successful"

Edward – "We made the mistake of offering choice. HASS system, how to integrate Attend Anywhere"

Rick – "In Newcastle we use Attend Anywhere and find it useful as have PD population of 60/70%. Noticed a slow creep from video to telephone by asking patients what do you prefer. It seems easier for patients sometimes (calls)"

Helen Clarkson – "Interesting to hear these experiences, similarly I have had most consults by phone, despite all being booked in under Attend Anywhere in my dietetic clinics"

Jasvinder – "Can I ask about what support or guidance would help from a national outpatient transformation team to support triage, remote consultation and PIFU- Attend Anywhere was procured for one year - This year Trusts can procure a remote consultation platform of their choice"

Sajeda -"Admin, tech support and data and analysis gathering would help"

Jasvinder - "Just a question which came up in out breakout session"

Antonia - "Thanks Jasvinder - it would be interesting to discuss this further with you"


NICE accredited clinical practice guidelines 

Available here

25th Annual Report

Analyses about the care provided to patients at UK renal centres.

Read the report

2022 UKRR AKI Report

A report on the nationwide collection of AKI warning test scores. 

Read the report